Today we use the PC/SC standard as a base for our software developing.
The "PC/SC" abbreviature means: "Personal Computer / Smart Card".
This specification was created by the group of hardware- and software- manufacturers
("PC/SC Workgroup") with the purpose to standardize the work with smart cards.
PC/SC Workgroup:
- Bull CP8, a Bull Company
- Gemplus SA
- Hewlett-Packard Company
- IBM Corporation
- Microsoft Corporation
- Schlumberger SA
- Siemens Nixdorf Informationssystemes AG
- Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- Toshiba Corporation
- VeriFone,Inc.
The acceptance of the PC/SC standard has allowed to unify the card readers and software.
Today there is no necessity to write the program for work with each reader type.
How does the PC/SC correspond to you?
If you are beginner at smart cards it is enough for you to know that:
- the operation system of your PC must support the PC/SC; if you use MS Windows 2000 or XP (or later) - you already have the PC/SC system libraries on your computer;
- you need a PC/SC compatible smart card reader;
You can find the PC/SC specifications at our library page